
I love silk dress ...

I love embroidery silk dress I love dress I love ONE PIECE ,silk pajamas

as I love metal rivets and a black T shirt bag leg pants

like cultivating the TEE also love pregnant women dress like Wawa Shan

I love HIGH HEEL and high shoes are flat shoes help, but definitely do not wear the heels!

I like leather and animal fur, but strongly opposes the use of wildlife!

exclude those artificial leather and artificial wool, always feel fake fake!

I like around half of the extreme ...

seems very small materials like silk clothes

obviously not so soft soft weak character

has fallen in love with soft and weak soft silk

it is very fragile also more difficult to care very squeamish

smoke all the time a drop of Mars enough to burn holes in it

nails or spikes on a small hook will snag about

I usually always wear black all the more basic rock line of clothes and a silk dress that the United States and the United States linked together

looks and feels like two different people share a wardrobe

former silk dress materials and less biased old fashioned style

But in recent years, many foreign brands are very US-style design

thanks to those great designers Na

and are quite expensive silk dress ye ...

collection embroidery and silk skirt, said indeed some expensive ...

like small balls that Noguchi students was:

"Oh ~ ~ ~ you are good or bad, but I like!

