Silk enables the Quartz text rendering and smoothing introduced in Mac OS X 10.1.5 in all Carbon applications. This means antialiased text in Netscape, Mozilla, and many others. Why wait for developers to update their Carbon applications when you can get the silky smooth text everywhere, right now? Moreover, it can substitute one font with another in your applications, change the theme font (the font used to display menus, window titles, and other interface elements).
- Substitutes fonts in the applications.
- Changes the default theme font to any other font.
- Enforces the minimum font size setting.
- Enables the Quartz text rendering in all running Carbon applications, such as Netscape, Mozilla and many others.
- Exclude list feature allows you to exclude certain applications so they work as before,discount nike shoes, if the antialiased text there looks bad.
- Convenient drop button in the Silk preference pane to quickly detect if a particular application is Carbon or not.
- Implemented as an easy-to-use preference pane.