In the murky economical dark clouds and miserable fog, the traditional white collar worker's life is perhaps no longer sight,Fantastic silk scarves, but shirt fabric - mens shirt fabric sales is rallying. The seller-Charles Company said that their shirt fabric sales has increased 50%, from 220,000 pcs each month increase to 330,000 pcs since 2009. The company was established by Nick in 1986, and sell shirt to US, Germany and Britain. Villar said that the sales increase of mens shirt fabric is the biggest in US, even if the US market was volatile in the end of 2008. "Our sales dropped the cliff during the last September and October." he said. At that time, American bank industry was influenced by the Brother Leiman bankrupt. White shirt is the classics symbol in the period. "A man shirt fabric looks very good and safe," he said, "The bolder color shirt is not always match with the atmosphere of that time." According to the fabric type, the apparel fabric is usually divided into
Wearing white shirt is obviously very suitable in the office to many persons, but the reason why white shirt fabric is popular is unclear. "No evidence states that wearing white shirt will have any difference." Psychologist Dr. Rob Yeung said." But people easily turn to the superstitious religious doctrine and the etiquette form in the mental tension time. Just like many people believe wrongly, if a roulette's wheel are red in the four times, it will be black probablely in the next time, they may believe, a man shirt fabric symbolizes the professionalism and the honest quality."