The development of 'The Silk Experience' movement grew from our many silk connections around the world. "The Silk Experience' is a consorsium of silk textile teachers, artists and authors that have coordinated their talents by offering core, silk related topics for 7 years at the Houston Quilt Festival and at other venues in this county.
In our need to understand the processes required to produce silk and the manipulation of the silk fibers into thread and fabrics, we have been fortunate toacquire the aid of silk professionals in Japan who have taught us the 'mysteries' fo silk.
Ginny Eckley and I were fortunate to be asked to teach some of our silk techniqes to Bernina audiences in Japan , which eventually lead to making several ' Sik Study Tours' to Japan to increase our knowledge of 'the queen of fiber's'. These exciting exchanges,womens silk pajamas, also lead us in assisting talented Japanese silk professionals to bring their artisty to this country.
Silk has proved to be a never ending wonder to those of us that have worked with it and we are eager to continue the networkings and sharing of those 'silk experiences' with others.