
Knowledge of Silkworm


  Knowledge of Silkworm

  Also called domesticated silkworm, the mulberry silkworm is one of the economic insect which feeds on mulberry leaves, which belongs to Bombycidae. It arises and was domesticated from the original silkworm which inhabited in mulberry trees in ancient China. Today, it is widely distributed in temperate zone, subtropical zone and torrid zone.

Silkworm is an insect of complete metamorphosis. Its life experiences four totally different stages: egg,silk pajamas, larva, pupa and moth. It takes 20 to 28 days for a newly hatched larva grows into a matured silkworm that begins to spin and cocoon. Spinning and cocooning cost about three days, and after one or two days it becomes a pupa. The pupal stage lasts for ten to fifteen days when a pupa turns into a moth. It dies after oviposition. Thus it takes about 40 to 60 days to accomplish a generation of a silkworm.   

