Recently, the China International Clothing & Accessories Fair (CHIC2010), the apparel giant Younger announced its new brand strategy and lead the Mayor Youngor, CEO Youngor, Green Youngor, Hart Schaffner Marx and \brand appearances. Blocked in real estate and stock investments, the Younger began to put more energy into its main business of clothing started. \
Among them, \The \\In addition, hemp is the Younger family of independent research and development of green environmentally friendly hemp products, currently in Ningbo,womens silk pajamas, Beijing has opened a living museum of hemp; Hart Schaffner Marx was Younger agents known U.S. brand.
Gold Label, Blue Label, Green Label series of products of the refining and development, is the Younger consumers want to expand their own reflection. Younger said one person inside, the reason to invest in the brand split gravity, because Younger internal sense of the current crisis of its own brand. \\
Down to the brand from product breakdown, not only is the Younger family's \In this CHIC2010, the Firs, Lee Lang coincidentally also introduced a new brand of clothing products. Experts point out that this is because including the Younger, including more brand products are faced with the original target consumers are older, have limited appeal on the issue of young consumers.
The new brand strategy will Youngor impacts? Younger how to brand from a product-based model change? We on these issues on the AI? An exclusive interview with Mr. Reese.