Silk concepts:
First: only mulberry silk on it? Not! ! ! Silk is: mulberry (mulberry), silk (oak), mulberry silk (mulberry silk), silk oak (Quercus silk), Sang-axis wire
(Sang-axis), oak-axis wire (same axis), castor silk Silk (grate) in general.
Second: silk is soft and tender, smooth to touch it? More than! ! ! In order for silk clothing textures need for diversity in recent years technological transformation to a completely different silk inherent for many people the
feeling of silk. Now according to the performance of silk fabric, that is in accordance with the fabric texture and visual effects to divide, to be divided into silk crepe de chine, georgette, crepe Bi, Shun Yu, Taff, power spinning,
spinning thin, silk, cotton silk, Double Palace, and the knots, star pattern, rib, flower line, bar, grid, through the cool, yarn-dyed, double-sided, concave, Yamagata, flowers, repair flower, light, no light, flash, light, health, special
staining, printing, brushed, Velvet, kimono, a large section.Sexy womens silk pajamas s796
Silk maintenance of common sense
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