Inclined to play the first lesson on 2 (May 18, 2000)
This is the new environment today. OK, we may begin the class ^ _ ^
In the 5lin server, we have already studied several openings. Now we are studying the most equal
indirect opening, i11. Look at the board, this is i11 opening. There are 26 different openings in renju, this is one of them. As you know, according to the renju rule, black must offer two 5th moves, so we always study both of them. Today we will study the main 5th move in this opening. About 10 years ago this opening and this 5th move was the most popular renju variant. Even nowadays, so many players play it, even in world class level. Did anyone of you watch the last World Championship games? Igor Sinyov from Russia (World no.2) chose this opening to play against me. By the way, I will publish the class materials on the web site later. If you miss something here or didnt understand, then you can review it afterwards. I will also put some data from the previous classes there too. I will make a web site and announce it as soon as possible. Today's material will be published by tomorrow night, I hope. I will open a new site tomorrow afternoon, you can download data from there. Please remember those two 5th moves i showed. We will not study 5-j9 because we have already learned it in previous weeks. If you are interested about that 5th move, you can learn about it from my website.
Today's topic is 5-g9. As I already mentioned, in the past this move was the most often played move in renju. hundreds of renju players all over the world used the same beginning pattern over and over again. Japanese created the theory about this move long time ago. The found out that only 6-i7 can save white from loss. Perhaps many players would want to try 6-g8. Well, that's easy black win. If you don't know how, you can find it from the website data as well. According to the recent theory, there are five different 7th moves possible here. The 7 -g8 is an old move, and not strong really. The only trick about this move is that white might make a mistake in next move. White has to block the three from lower side to avoid loss. But in case of g10, black can win. This position was the last week homework. Students had to find the way how black should attack here. Is here any of the 5lin students who did the homework? OK, since we have so many new students tonight, we will show you the way how to attack as black here. Yes, indeed, 9-i8 is the correct move. Can anyone of you give me a hint how to continue here? If h7 then white g6 and black stones are surrounded. OK, we try g6 and then h7. White goes f5. And then? OK, I play i6 as you say. White puts j5 of course. h5 or h6? Haha, everybody seems to be sure it's black win. Please take the white stones into consideration. If black h5 then white h6 and the white line will cut black's 4x3 at point k8. If black h6 first, then white will play four to h5 and black cannot win again. So, even the black attacking idea seems to be obvious, there is no sequence to make the win possible. And what is the result we can see: Black failed the attack and white stones are all around. This is a good lesson: don't attack in such straight and primitive style unless you are very sure of your win . I know, over 90% of playsite players would attack exactly int he way as in this diagram. I am here to teach you the right way to think and play. It is the classical example of failing attack,Sexy silk dresses, remember it. We will open a new board and show you the right way.
Today we began to learn the most balanced Xie Zhi start ramp month. Lianzhu a total of 26 start, and now you can see the board put on this is oblique. As you know, according to the rules of Renju, sunspots in section 5 must be given two hands to play, so we usually learn a start time to learn two RBI. Today we will learn the most important start of a ramp RBI on 5-g9. About 10 years ago, oblique beginning of this month is the most popular RBI has changed, until today, there are still a lot of players go to this point, and even in world class competition. Does anyone of you seen the last World Cup, the bureau, the Russian world number 2 player Igor Sinyov game with my chose this start. A long time ago created a 5-g9 Japanese related theory, they found that only the white 6 i7 is not losing the time. Perhaps many fans would like to try the next 6-g8, but that case Black could easily win. According to the latest theory, black, 5 points to 7 under. Black 7 g8 is the old moves are not strong, only a trap is to see whether the White 8 should make mistakes. When the black 7-g8 live three times, to be anti-white 8 below. Anti-above (8-g10), then black wins, how to win it? Black 9 i8 is the right hand, then, if 11 go black, then white side of a anti-H7 g6, sunspots are surrounded on (obviously black so go bad). So, we rushed longer follow h7 g6 first look, white will go F5, and then, I stated that according to the black 15 to go i6, white of course, can only go j5, then black is to take the following h5 or h6? :) It seems everyone convinced that black can win here, but please think carefully about the response under the white. If the black to go h5, then walked in vain h6, then the white side can counter the black spots in the k8 43; if the black out first h6, h5 first red then white 4, black will not win. Therefore, even if Black's attack ideas seems obvious, because their objective is not to win the hand along the leading offensive failed. In such circumstances we would normally see such a result, Black attack failed, and the external are white stones. Therefore, we must learn to keep in mind: unless you are sure to win, do not so directly to the attack. Here, I teach you correct this situation under the line of thinking and way of chess.
This is the break point. If black moves wrong, then black will probably lose this game in the long term. Somebody asked if it is an even opening. Good question. Black has an advantage in this opening. In the scale of 0-100 (0 is sure loss and 100 is sure win) I would evaluate it as 75. Here are two ways to play now. One way has been developed by me (my old home analysis), another way by Russian master Mihail Kozhin (I saw him playing in that was in one of his games). Can you guess any of those two moves? OK. Thanks for your ideas. I will comment them now. f9 is against any concept of black attack as it is very passive and squeezes itself between white stones. Black attack usually requres free space and free lines. e10 is same, it is too far from other black stones, and white can easily break connection between black stones. j7 is already better, but after that white can go j8 and black has nothing left whereas white has got two active lines. In many cases, f6 is a very good move, but not in this time, because it does not connect the black attacking sources j8 and g6, so white can cut the black attack by playing g5. h7 is a move inside the pattern and we usually never do such move, because white can surround black stones easily with g6. The last two moves that I saw you suggesting were i6 and j5. The i6 is the style that I use and j5 is the style that Kozhin uses. I am not very familiar with all the details of the j5 attack, so I will teach you i6 here. Please not that, i5 connects the black attack sources g6 and j8 (k8), and besides, it creates another diagonal attacking line. I will let you choose the white next move. Note that black has a simple threat, h7 and g6, so white has to do something about it. OK, we play j5 as you wish. You see the difference from the previous game? This time black has enough time to play h6 and white cannot stop the black win.
now this situation, if Heixia wrong, from the long-term perspective will likely be Shu Qi. So one may ask whether this is a balanced start to start, good question, I want to say is that Black still in the beginning of advantages. If a start is defined as losing 0, 100 defined as the win, I will start to skew the assessment on 75 points. This situation the board now has two dismount, one of my past research, the other Russian players in A Game of Mihail Kozhin, you can guess which two it? Here I will address each of you of some of the points. F9 This violation Black Hand chess general offensive philosophy, because it is very passive, and were surrounded by white stones inside. Black's attack usually not white stones contain the free space and line. e10 is the same, e10 too far away from the other sunspots, white side can be easily cut off the connection between sunspots. Look at J7, J7 is very good, but after the black on white side go j8 no chess, and white side more than the two to stay alive. In many situations the next, F6 is a very good point, but under this situation is not, because it did not attack linked to black resources J8 and G6, white stones can be cut off under the g5 black attack. h7 seem too cramped, and white stones under g6 can easily live in the Black defense, so we generally do not go h7. Well, you made the point which left i6 and j5, these two points is correct. Where i6 is my research, j5 Russian players Mihail Kozhin's moves. Because I am not very familiar with the details of j5 the moves, so here I will teach you the moves i6. Please note that under this situation, i5 resources connected to the attack black g6 and j8 (k8), and addition, it also created a slash on the offensive line. I will let you to choose the white side next moves should be noted that Black has a simple attack, h7 and g6, it must defend the white side. OK, we all look at the proposed j5 this point. Now you can see in front of this situation and our analysis of the situation of different right, this situation in this, the Black h6 certainly have the opportunity to come to this point, then the white side is also not a defense.
All right, you chose 12-h7, although passive, but still good. Black will play 13-j6. What should white do now? Yes, h6 is the best white move now. Note that black is continuously trying to connect j8 (k8) with g6 (g5). Now, with the move h5 black achieved the goal - two sides are connected and now the win is coming soon. You can try any defense move you like. j7 is ok. Perhaps we try other defense than h7.
good, let us look at the anti-white 12 h7 this point, although it is passive, but chess is a good step. Black will take the following 13-j6, then the white side is how to deal with? Can be seen, h6 is the best response to White. Note that Black has been non-stop trying to connect j8 (k8) and g6 (g5). Well, now, Black has reached this point by h5 purpose connected on both sides, victory has been at hand. You can make some anti-white point of us together. . . . . . It was suggested that we look at the j7 j7 specific winning method.
Lets choose another 12th move now instead of h7. Yes, g6 is pretty good. As white has completely blocked the left lower side, so black will continue attack on the right lower corner. Move j5 prepares the space for black's further attack. And move k6 creates the black attacking base. As a result, black has got both space and attacking material - both are important in any black's attack in renju. You can choose any defense move you want, but they all will lose pretty soon. The move to j8 is the best for white, no doubt. As black cannot attack straight, so the k9 was necessary. In this short time in our class, we don't have enought time to test every possible move. So , we only test few of them usually.
us to another anti-white 12 points. g6 is a very good point. Because the defense stayed completely white lower-left corner of the Black, so Black should begin in the lower right attack. j5 the hands move, as Black will attack more space. The black 15-k6 black to create the basis for the attack. Well, now Black must have the offensive materials, space and resources the two elements. Following the defense we can to choose, but the white side will soon lose. There is no doubt, white 16-j8 is the strongest hand. Here Black can not direct attack, so it must be done hand in k9 chess.
Now I will give you homework. Please all of you, write down the following pattern. This is your homework. Please find the way how black should attack and win. There can be more than one way to win, but you should find at least one sure way. Thank you all for joining the class and see you next Thursday.
homework, find out the winning black law , won more than one method may be.
inclined to fight on two
tutorial at the beginning of today's program, we first answer last week's operation. I ask you to find a Black win approach. Does anyone of you do out? H5 and J7 are more interesting choice of site. Look under the H5, it seems 16 hand J7 is necessary. What then? ? Some say I5, then how defensive White 18? G5 is correct. Now I think you can win a direct attack, because so much of the white stones that we do not consider the response, black win easier.
Now we come to learn some of the strongest and 7. We should also remember the 7-G8 is not good, because the white 8-G6 is a good move. Here, I repeat, the black-7 can take some of the points: G8, G10, I8, F8, I10, but the weakest among G8, I10 strongest. In fact, I10, and F8 is very similar to the point, they often result in the same situation (chess-shaped). I demonstrate to you look at the reason. Here are 7 walk in the I10, the white the best response is G10, the other points are not good. Now remember this form of chess, though I re-open the game is placed under the 7-F8 changes.
now you can see, I10, and F8 is so similar point. Let us return to the black 7-I10, because this is better than the black 7-F8
now white stones can try several white 8 moves, but In addition to G10 should be able to respond other than to lose faster. White 8-J8 is not feasible, because went black after the G10 can win at the top. About 8 years ago, has been popular white 8-F8. In fact, White 8, here are three best choice: G10, H10, F8, although the 8-G10 and 8-F8 is losing, but is also an option. We look at the examples of these types of choices. White 8-H10 black after 9 to do under the J8 is a chess the dismount. But there are some players of a direct attack on the moves, let's try. After Black 20, have VCF, where? ? Some people say that C9-D8-F6, but ignored the white side as the anti-4, Black 4 in the red when the white stones in the D9 and F7 have children, creating a living four, so the black would not won. Therefore, the black chess needs to be done to attack, black 23-D6 is a critical first-hand chess, white 24 speed is not only one defeat, and where? ? If the white 24-E7, then black with VCF. So do white 24-F7, black 27 only continue to expand in the E5 attack. After White 34, black in the E10 4X3 wins.
we have another white-10, look at the 10-G10. In fact, under this white is very strong. As black points and space by accounting for the way to continue the attack. White 14, where we think we should choose? OK, you try under the proposed H11. How does black win? Victory will be very complicated. But some students find the win method, dry beautiful! !
White 14, we try the next G6, black, under 15, I6. In this situation there are several possible under the white 16 responses, most seem to J9. Black 21-F6 is a very beautiful hand chess. White 22-E7 will lose speed. You can also try the other white under 22. White 22 is the best H4. How can black win? We try to under F8, this is more likely. The following white is hard to find good anti-o'clock. White 26-D10, the VCF we can see it? Obviously black won.
my homework ,12-F8 is very interesting, black is no direct win here. Please find the black wins law.